
aggregation usage in django queries

It is an easy tutorial to make complex queries in django. I personally believe that every word has a specific meaning to it in the world...

install android studio on ubuntu with command line

Android is an mobile operating system developed by Google. First version of Android released on 23rd September 2008. Android is an ope...

Basic understanding of package.json in npm

#package.json { "name": "module-name", "version": "1.0.0", "description": ...

Basic usage of npm command line

I'm assuming that you have already installed the nodejs and npm. If not install nodejs and npm it. Create a package with npm n...

how to install nodejs and npm in ubuntu and windows

Installation procedure of NodeJs in Ubuntu Add NodeJS PPA to Ubuntu with below command. It required curl package for ubuntu # inst...

custom inclusion_tag vs built-in include tag django

 Advantages using inclusion tags: If we observe the templates of website we can see the repetitive code or components. We can take r...

Implementing sitemaps in django application

Sitemap: Sitemap is a collection of web pages of website that are placed in single page that is available for both search engines as w...

django base template structure for template inheritance

django template inheritance Generally we develop websites to show our products or services to customers all over the web. Our cust...

django debug toolbar - improve application performance

django debug toolbar debugging: It is the process of locating and correcting the errors in a computer program or code. debugging is...

django send one time use account activation email

django one time activation link email After success registration of the user, we will send activation link email to the users email ac...

django form usage and validations

Let's start with an example, If you are applying for a college admission you will fill up the college admission form with your d...

usage of css, javascript, images in django

In the last post we have seen how to use html template in django view . In this tutorial we will learn about usage of static files in dj...

django usage of template and view

django templates & views In the last blog post we have seen how to write models for project . In this blog post we are going lear...

django models and database schema design

Before we start the design our database schema , we have to create our django project . Our project is "Library Management"(For...

django templates and static files

Django template configurations Django templates: Django templates are just HTML files. Django creates HttpResponse for a request b...

django project layout and settings

Let's talk about "Django" project structure in depth. You can see the complete project layout in above image. base/pro...

django first application

Let's start our Django application from the beginning. To start our first application we have to follow the below steps. Before goi...

django request lifecycle

Architecture for django application We can divide the request life cycle of the django application into three layers. 1. Browser 2....

Python Web Development with Django

Python Web Development with Django  Why python? Python is a a free and open-source programming language. It supports both function...

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